Monday, November 22, 2010

NPR's 'American Life' Features Local Carrier

National Public Radio (NPR) Host Ira Glass Host talked to Paul Gereffi, a Fort Lauderdale/Oakland Park letter carrier who helped save the life of a stabbing victim who saw Gereffi's mail truck and flagged him down. The strange thing, says Gereffi, is how many people saw the victim grappling with his assailant in a parking lot but did nothing to help him. This incident occurred two years ago and Paul was recognized by the Postal Service and NALC 2550 for his efforts.

This past weekend, the radio segment aired on NPR’s “This American Life” with Ira Glass. Go to and click on "play episode.” It might take a few seconds to download. The segment with Oakland Park Letter Carrier Paul Gereffi is in the first seven minutes.

Paul, thanks for making us proud!

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