Monday, January 5, 2015

Celebrating Three Kings Day, Jan 6

Epiphany, also known as "Three Kings Day" and "Twelfth Day," is a Christian holiday commemorated on January 6. It falls on the twelfth day after Christmas, and for some denominations, signals the conclusion of the twelve days of the Christmas season.

The U.S. Postal Service celebrates one of the most beloved stories of the Nativity with an evocative and elegant stamp, Christmas Magi. 

The stamp art illustrates the traditional tale of the Magi — also called the Three Wise Men or Three Kings — who came bearing gifts for Jesus. The three regal figures sit atop a trio of bedecked and harnessed camels, the animals almost at the summit of a small hill. Guiding them is a large, dazzling star shining in the sky. The colors in the sky range from a rose near the horizon, darkening to a rich purple at the top, suggesting that the travelers are moving through the desert at dawn. The figures are silhouetted against the background, with the details of their headdresses and the camels’ saddles just visible in the brightening light. The star, located in the upper left-hand corner of the picture, is a brilliant white. 

There is little detail about the Magi in the Gospel. Matthew called them “Magi,” a term for Persian priests, astrologers, scholars, or wise men. Over the centuries, the Magi began to be called “kings” probably in reference to several biblical prophecies, including Psalm 72: “The kings of Tarshish and the Isles shall offer gifts, the kings of Arabia and Seba shall bring tribute. All kings shall pay Him homage, all nations shall serve Him.”

Matthew also never refers to a specific number; the number three was likely influenced by the number of gifts left for the child — gold, frankincense, and myrrh. However, the earliest traditions are inconsistent with regard to how many Magi there were. The Eastern tradition favored twelve Magi, while in the West, several early Church fathers accepted the number three.

Over the centuries other details have been added to the story, including the names of the Three Kings: Gaspar, or Casper; Melchior; and Balthasar. One early reference to their names comes in a seventh century work attributed to St. Bede. He gave the Magi the attributes of men at different stages of life, elderly, young, and middle-aged: Melchior, an old man with white hair and a long beard; Caspar, young and beardless with a ruddy complexion; and Balthasar, with black skin and a heavy beard. Later traditions added the notion that the three came from Europe, Asia, and Africa, thus completing their symbolism as representatives of the world as it was known to Europeans at the time.

Represented in art and music since the earliest centuries of the church, the Three Wise Men are a much-loved part of the Christmas tradition. The story is retold many times each season in hymns, including the beloved “We Three Kings,” and in Christmas pageants and performances.

12 Days of Christmas & Other Traditions

In Spain as well as other Spanish-speaking countries, the tradition has always been to observe Christmas Day as a solemn religious occasion, reserving Three Kings Day or Día de los Reyes for partying and exchanging gifts. However, in many Hispanic cultures gifts can be given on Christmas Day, on Three Kings Day -- or as double celebration on both days! 
In Mexico, serving La Rosca de Reyes or Three Kings Cake, is still-popular family tradition on Three Kings Day, with good fortune bestowed on anyone who is lucky enough to find a figure of the baby Jesus baked inside.

In England, Epiphany or "Twelfth Night" was the last opportunity to make merry before a return to the usual toil of the workaday world. The traditional Yule log was kept lit until Twelfth Night in order to bring blessings & good fortune throughout the upcoming year. 

A favorite Christmas carol also still commemorates gifts of partridges, french hens and golden rings in the olde English observance of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

In Germany, children go from house to house on Epiphany eve, singing carols and chalking the year and initials KMB (those of the kings, Kaspar, Melchior and Balthasar), near the entrance of each home. The festive Dreikonigskuchen, or Three Kings Cake, also is served that night to celebrate the occasion.

Several countries, most notably Italy and Russia --- also share the long-held tradition of La Befana, (in Russia, Baboushka) who is a kindly old witch bearing gifts by climbing down the chimney on the night of January 5.

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